
Es wird gefiltert nach: September 2024


Stowaways or Allies? Legal risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) transcription services in work meetings

Unlock the potential and pitfalls of AI transcription services in your workplace—while they offer unmatched convenience, they also come with serious ethical and legal challenges that could impact your business. Discover how to navigate these risks and ensure responsible ...Mehr lesen

The Mischief of Mismanagement: Tale of a Breach of the GDPR

In early 2022, the Portuguese National Data Protection Supervisory Authority (“CNPD”) accused Lisbon’s Municipality of retaining demonstrators’ and protestors’ personal information for longer than necessary and sharing it with national and foreign public entities without ...Mehr lesen

A new member has joined the INPLP: Jason Kravitz (United States)

...Mehr lesen

New Amendment to Israeli Privacy Protection Law and Mandatory DPO Appointment

The Israeli parliament recently adopted a new amendment to the Israeli Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981 ("PPL") entering into force in 12 months, on August 14, 2025. ...Mehr lesen

Data Protection ramifications emerging from the now in force Digital Services Act (DSA)

This article seeks to inform businesses and industry professionals such as marketing specialists and data engineers on the data protection ramifications which may have a bearing on their commercial efforts in the area of online advertising practices, notably via online ...Mehr lesen

AI, ChatGPT and the EDPB: Regulatory Insights from Taskforce Report

Report on ChatGPT outlines European data protection regulator's preliminary views and early indicators about the direction of regulatory travel regarding the co-existence of GDPR and Artificial Intelligence / EU AI Act. ...Mehr lesen