Welche Herausforderungen hält der Einsatz von Cloud-Services für Unternehmen im Zuge der Abschlussprüfung durch Wirtschaftsprüfer bereit?

Alessandro Santucci is the Head of the ICT Department of Trans Austria Gasleitung and responsible for about 200 personal or departmental workplaces, all the IT and TLC systems including two Virtual Private Cloud datacenters located in Ireland and a technical infrastructure connecting the Headquarters with more than 20 manned and unmanned stations located in Lower Austria, Styria and Carinthia.
Trans Austria Gasleitung is a company of about 160 employees that transport natural gas via the TAG pipeline through Austria and it is the main artery of the natural gas network in central Europe. The TAG pipeline network consists of three parallel high-pressure natural gas pipes, 380 Km in length for a total of about 1,140 km pipes and five compressor stations, from the Slovakian/Austrian border to the Austrian/Italian border. More than 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas are transported through the pipeline system every year.
Datum: 21. Juni 2017
Zeit: 15 bis 17 Uhr
Networking und Buffet 17 bis 18 Uhr
17:00 - 17:15 EuroCloud Austria 2017 Awards: Präsentation der Gewinner des diesjährigen ECA Awards in 5 Kategorien, plus jeweils 2min Elevator Pitch der Kandidaten.
Erdbergstraße 200
1030 Wien

Leitfaden für die Praxis

Cloud und Abschlussprüfung
Leitfaden für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Verantwortliche für Finanzen, IT und Revision von prüfungspflichtigen Unternehmen