
Es wird gefiltert nach: Juli 2017


GDPR-Complementing Regulations Just a Hair’s Breadth Away

Introducing high administrative fines (a maximum of EUR 20 million or 4% of global annual turnover, depending on which is higher) and being surprisingly too close from directly affecting all EU citizens and companies soon, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ...Mehr lesen

Five Key Takeaways from the Recent Report on National Implementation of the GDPR in Finland

Right before the midsummer holidays, the TATTI working group appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Justice published its report on the national implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) in Finland. The GDPR will be directly applicable in all ...Mehr lesen

Slovenia Strengthening its Position on Personal Data Protection

The Supreme Court rules in favour of suspects' privacy while the Parliament declares "revenge porn" a criminal act. ...Mehr lesen

Records of processing activities according to the General Data Protection Regulation (Art. 30)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply from 25 May 2018. Until then, all regulations of the GDPR have to be implemented into the entire business process workflows. ...Mehr lesen

Cloud Sourcing Lifecycle – Part 4: Cloud Sourcing Transformation

Eine einzelne Cloud in Betrieb zu nehmen, ist relativ einfach. Was es in der Regel braucht, ist ein Anbieter, eine Kreditkarte und ein Internet-Zugang. Hingegen eine Cloud in das Unternehmens-Netzwerk zu integrieren, ein ganzes Datacenter in die Cloud zu verschieben oder ...Mehr lesen

EuroCloud & PwC Event

Presentation of new Whitepaper “Cloud and Annual Audit”, EuroCloud Austria Awards 2017 ...Mehr lesen

Trans Austria Gasleitung goes Cloud

CIO Alessandro Santucci talks about his business, Cloud Strategy and Transformation and related challenges. Interview by Tobias Höllwarth (EuroCloud Austria) ...Mehr lesen

Dutch DPA published 10 steps to prepare for GDPR

Recently the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens: "AP") published a 10-step-plan for Dutch organizations to prepare for the GDPR. A practical plan to encourage organizations to start preparing step by step. ...Mehr lesen

Norway: New standard document on connected cars and privacy

Modern cars generate, collect and process a large quantity of data. Some of the data can be linked to the owner, the driver and/or other identifiable persons, and is therefore subject to laws on personal data protection. ...Mehr lesen

Cloud Sourcing Lifecycle – Part 3: Cloud Sourcing Design

Der Cloud Sourcing LifeCycle ist ein methodischer Ansatz, die Reise in die Cloud sicher und strukturiert anzugehen, negative Überraschungen zu vermeiden und damit den Business Mehrwert zu optimieren. Ein Übersicht des Cloud Sourcing LifeCycle sowie die Bedeutung der ...Mehr lesen

Emergence of a European cloud combining growth and security

A safer and people-friendlier cloud must be built at the European level. ...Mehr lesen

Digitale Transformation: Mission impossible

Damit die digitale Transformation nicht zur "Mission impossible" wird, müssen IT-Profis die Klaviatur des Multi-Cloud-Sourcings beherrschen. Eine Cloud- oder auch Digitalisierungsstrategie muss aber auch zu Ende gedacht sein, damit man nicht in Aktionismus versinkt. ...Mehr lesen