
Es wird gefiltert nach: August 2017


Cloud Service Provider – processor, controller or both?

Cloud service providers (hereinafter referred to as the „CSP“) offer nowadays a wide spectrum of cloud computing services. Benefits of services provided by CSP include flexibility, efficiency, cost savings, or security and could be chosen to fulfil full variety of ...Mehr lesen

Certification and GDPR: Italy’s DPA Clarifications

The GDPR encourages (through the Member States, the supervisory authorities, the Board and the Commission) the adoption of data protection certification mechanisms and data protection seals and markings for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the Regulation of ...Mehr lesen

Cloud Contracts: Impacts of GDPR on Joint Controllers

The GDPR clarifies the concept of “joint controllers”, which is of particular interest for the cloud computing community.
Already introduced in Directive 95/46/EC of 24 October 1995 (1) on the protection of personal data, that concept is now further detailed by the ...Mehr lesen

GDPR implementation in Portugal

While studies show that there is a medium / high degree of awareness of the obligations and impacts of implementing the GDPR, the vast majority of entities affected have not yet begun the process of implementing effective measures to meet the requirements of the GDPR. ...Mehr lesen

Recent decisions of the Austrian Data Protection Office (DSB)

The article presents three interesting decisions on Austrian data protection law, in particular dealing with the scope of the right to access (1. and 2.) and the definition of video surveillance (3.). ...Mehr lesen

Cloud Contracts: Impacts of GDPR on Processors

The GDPR clarifies the clauses to be contained in a data processing agreement.
The new European Regulation does not change the concept of data processing, but impacts on the nature of the related obligations, which must translated into firm commitments in the cloud ...Mehr lesen

Data protection and Luxembourg

At a time where the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) has been spoken and written about extensively in all European countries and where many companies are panic-stricken and wondering how to achieve compliance when it comes into force, including Luxembourg, it ...Mehr lesen